Thursday, 25 January 2018

Oracle 12.2 New Features

Some new features in ORACLE Database release 12.2

Feature  No 1 :-  Per Pluggable Falshback

Flashback work on pluggable level instead of database level . we can flashback a single pluggable database to a restore point affected to a particular pluggable database only.

For example:

To test this example ensure these prerequisites.

1.1-  Flashback feature of database is on.

Values of the below mentioned  parameter are set properly.



1.2-  SQL> select flashback_on from v$database;




1.3- Database must contain one container database and at least one pluggable database.

Now check availability of pluggable database and container database.

SQL> select con_id,name from v$pdbs;

    CON_ID                    NAME

---------- --------------------

         2                             PDB$SEED

         3                             ORCLPDB

         4                             PDB1

         5                             PDB2

SQL> alter session set container=pdb1;

Session altered.

We have connected with pluggable database pdb1.

SQL> create restore point restore_pdb_check;

Restore point created.

SQL> create table restore_pdb_check (check_no number(3),check_name varchar2(20));

Table created.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1 close;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> flashback pluggable database to restore point restore_pdb_check;

Flashback complete.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1 open resetlogs;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> desc restore_pdb_check;


ORA-04043: object restore_pdb_check does not exist

The database has been restored at restore point where we did not have restore_pdb_check table.

All this flashback procedure is completed with in pluggable database pdb1.

Feature No 2:- Hot Cloning of PDB

In Oracle database 12.2 hot cloning of PDB is very easy , no need to put source PDB in read only mode cloned PDB can refresh with the source PDB .its really  suitable for production environment.

For example:

To test this example ensure these prerequisites. This example is tested on windows 64bit environment.         

2.1 - The cloned PDB should be in separate CDB(Container Database)

2.2 – The cloned PDB should be created with refreshable option.

2.3 -  The source CBD should be local undo mode.

2.4 – Database link should be created for source and cloned PDBs.

2.5 – TNSNAMES.ora file should contain all service name entries to connect each database.

I have tow CDBS to test this hot cloning.

i-                  ORCL

ii-                 ORCLCON2

Connect the first CDB.

                                        SQL> conn system/maindb@orcl as sysdba;


SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs;

NAME            OPEN_MODE

--------------- ----------



PDB1                READ WRITE

PDB2                 MOUNTED

I will use PDB1 as source PDB.

SQL> conn pdb1/maindb@pdb1 as sysdba;


SQL> create user pdb1admin identified by maindb;

User created.

SQL> grant dba to pdb1admin;

Grant succeeded.


                    SQL> conn pdb1admin/maindb@pdb1;


Create some table for testing under this user.

                                        SQL> create table clone_check(check_no number(2),check_name varchar2(20));

Table created.

Now connect to the destination CDB.

                                                            SQL> conn system/maindb@orclcon2 as sysdba;


SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs;

NAME            OPEN_MODE

--------------- ----------



we have one seed database and one PDB in this CBD.

Creat one database link to connect to source database for a pdb1admin user which we already created in PDB1 pluggable.

                                                            SQL> create database link db_link connect to pdb1admin identified by maindb using 'pdb1';

Database link created.

Now we are ready to create a pluggable clone database in ORCLCON2 CDB.

                                                            SQL> create pluggable database pdb1_clone from pdb1@db_link


                                          refresh mode manual;

Pluggable database created.

SQL> select name,open_mode from v$pdbs;

NAME            OPEN_MODE

--------------- ----------




To connect with cloned database we need to update TNSNAME.ora file for pdb1_clone service name.

                                        SQL> select name from v$services;









Now connect the PDB pdb1_clone to check all data.

                                                            SQL> conn pdb1_clone/maindb@pdb1_clone as sysdba;


Connect with pdb1admin user to check all tables and data cloned from source PDB.

SQL> conn pdb1admin/maindb@pdb1_clone;


SQL> select tname from tab;




Now connect to source PDB to do some changes and try to refresh the cloned PDB.

                    SQL> conn system/maindb@orcl as sysdba;


Inside the CDB we need to connect to PDB PDB1

SQL> conn pdb1/maindb@pdb1 as sysdba;


Inside the PDB we need to connect to user pdbadmin1

SQL> conn pdb1admin/maindb@pdb1;


Here we can make some changes in database an we will refresh the cloned database. And these changes will automatically reflect in cloned database.

                                                            SQL> create table clone_check2(check2_no number(3),check2_name varchar2(20));

Table created.

SQL> select tname from tab;





Now connect to the cloned PDB and refresh PDB.

SQL> conn system/maindb@orclcon2 as sysdba;


                    SQL> conn pdb1_clone/maindb@pdb1_clone as sysdba;


SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1_clone close;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1_clone refresh;

Pluggable database altered.

We have refreshed our cloned PDB and all the changes are updated in cloned PDB. We can open it as read only and can check the updates.

                                        SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1_clone open read only;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> conn pdb1_clone/maindb@pdb1_clone as sysdba;


SQL> conn pdb1admin/maindb@pdb1_clone;


SQL> select tname from tab;





We can see Hot cloning is very easy in 12.2.

Feature  No 3 :-  Increase INMEMORY area with out restart the database;

In 12.2 we can increase INMEMORY-SIZE without restarting the database. Before 12.2 when DBA increase the INMEMORY_SIZE they need to restart the database but in 12.2 DBA can grow INMEMORY_SIZE according their requirements. But the size cant not be shrink once we have grown.

For example:

To test this example ensure these prerequisites.

                    3.1 – inmemory_area  parameter should be enabled.


SQL> startup

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 5117050880 bytes

Fixed Size                  8929496 bytes

Variable Size            1207963432 bytes

Database Buffers         3892314112 bytes

Redo Buffers                7843840 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.

set the INMEMORY_SIZE                   

SQL> alter system set inmemory_size=1G scope=spfile;

System altered.

SQL> startup force;

ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 5117050880 bytes

Fixed Size                  8929496 bytes

Variable Size            1056968488 bytes

Database Buffers         2969567232 bytes

Redo Buffers                7843840 bytes

In-Memory Area           1073741824 bytes

Database mounted.

Database opened.

Now we can grow INMEMORY_SIZE according our requirements.

                        SQL> alter system set inmemory_size=2G scope=both;

System altered.

SQL> show parameter inmemory_size;

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

inmemory_size                        big integer 2G

SQL> show sga;

Total System Global Area 5117050880 bytes

Fixed Size                  8929496 bytes

Variable Size             805310248 bytes

Database Buffers         2147483648 bytes

Redo Buffers                7843840 bytes

In-Memory Area           2147483648 bytes

No need to restart the database to grow INMEMORY_SIZE.

Feature  No 4 :- Longer Names

Oracle 12.2 support up to 128 character long object name.  Now we can keep table name , column name or other object name up to 128 character.

Feature  No 5 :- Validate conversation to avoid Query Crash

While using the conversion function TO_DATE, TO_NUMBER  we can validate conversion whether the data is valid or not.

For example:

In this case con_check  is one table in database that contains column CON_DATE_STRING. The data type is varchar2 and it contains date data.

                                    SQL> desc conv_check;

 Name                                      Null?    Type

 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 CHECK_NO                                           NUMBER(3)

 CON_DATE_STRING                                    VARCHAR2(20)

                                    SQL> select  con_date_string  from conv_check;








SQL> select to_date(con_date_string,'DD/MM/YYYY') from conv_check;


ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

This query will result an error.

Instead of this if we use convert_validate function we can avoid the error.

                                    SQL> select to_date(con_date_string,'DD/MM/YYYY') from conv_check

   where validate_conversion(con_date_string as date,'DD/MM/YYYY')=1;






Feature  No 6 :- history command

In oracle 12.2 we can check history in SQL by running history command.

To enable this command run set history on on SQL.

                                    SQL> set history on;

                                                            SQL> show hist;

history is ON and set to "100"

                                                            SQL> history;

  1  select name,open_mode from v$pdbs;

                                        2  show hist;

                                         3  select username from all_users;

                                         4  select name,open_mode from v$pdbs;

                                         5  select username from all_users;

                                         6  select * from tab;

we can run any command from history in SQL;

                                                            SQL> history 6 run;

These are only few features that are new in oracle 12.2  from which we can take advantage. There may be a lot of other new feature which are still unexplored.

I am sure this post is informative about new features of oracle 12.2.

1 comment:

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